Nelson Mandela’s granddaughter celebrates 7 years of recovering from drug and alcohol addiction after she was sexually abused

Nelson Mandela’s granddaughter, Zoleka Mandela, has taken to Instagram to celebrate her 7th year of recovering from alcohol and drug addiction, which she turned to after she was sexually and physically abused as a child.
The South African’s legend’s granddaughter, who is now 37, further revealed that she took her first alcohol at age 9 and started smoking marijuana at age 13. Her drug addiction led her into experimenting with other drugs including cocaine.
However, she recovered from it all after she checked herself into a rehab when she was 30, and was finally able to break free of her addiction.
In her Instagram post, she further told other addicts that “addiction doesn’t always have to end in death.”
Here’s her post;
“Hi, I’m Zoleka Mandela and I’m an alcoholic addict. It’s my 7th
recovery birthday today, you guys … 11th August 2017!!! I had my 1st
drink at the age of 9 and had become an alcoholic 4yrs later. I first
started smoking Marijuana at age 13, experimented with other drugs
throughout my teenage years, until I discovered Cocaine at age 20 –
which I was addicted to for 10yrs. Addiction doesn’t always have to end
in death – using drugs and alcohol to numb my feelings towards the
sexual abuse and physical abuse of my childhood and teenage years, was a
means to rid myself of the self blame and resentment. It was only in
2010 that I checked myself into rehab (by that time, I had been mixing
my anti depressants with alcohol) and I have remained free from illegal
drugs and alcohol ever since. Today, I celebrate my 7th year of
sobriety!!! #ZolekaMandela#NeverTooLateToRewriteYourLifeStory#RecoveryBirthday

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