Teenage Love - Episode 3

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Segun got down at the junction
leading to his house and started
walking along the untarred road
that led to his house.
He knocked on the big black iron
gate at the entrance of his
father’s house. His junior sister
Mary opened the gate for him.
“Welcome bro Segun.” She
greeted bending her knees.
“Thank you.” He answered.
“Bring your bag.” She requested.
Giving it to her. “Is Daddy at
home?” he asked.
“No.” she replied.
“What of mummy?”
“She’s not back from the shop.”
she answered.
He entered into the sitting room,
climbed the stairs and went
straight to his room to change
and take a shower. He came
down some minutes later and
asked for his food. He was
served a plate of rice and fried
plantain and fish. He ate the food
hungrily and went into his room
to take a nap.
He woke up two hours later and
he discovered that the PHCN
(Power Holding Company of
Nigeria) had restored the light.
He scrambled out of bed to plug
his phone to charge. Then he
settle down to read for his next
paper, Agricultural Science which
was scheduled to take place the
following monday. He read for
the next on hour before he went
to the dining to have his dinner.
He got there and found mary in
the living room watching T.v.
He finished his food and rose up
to go to bed.
“Won’t you go and sleep?” he
“I will. But i want to finish this
move. She answered.
“Okay, but kindly reduce the
volume so that you won’t disturb
dad and mum. He requested.
She picked up the remote control
and reduced the volume.
“Goodnight.” He said
“Goodnight.” She replied.
Immediately he got into his
room, he unplugged his phone
and logged in to a popular chat
application known as ‘2go’.
He was suprised to see a
pending friend request from a
strange user ‘jummy77’. He
accepted the request and he
discovered that the user was
online. His phone beeped. A new
message. The following the
course which their conversation
Jummy77: Hi.
Shegzy: Hello.
Jummy77: How are you?
Shegzy: Am good and
you?….please do i know you?
Jummy77: Am fine.
Jummy77: This is Jummy,
Omolayo’s friend .
Shegzy: Oh! Its you. How was
your day.
Jummy77: It was good.
Shegzy: Dat’s good to hear.
Jummy77: How is your girlfriend.
[smile>big grin]
He chatted with a few more
friends before exiting the
application. He picked up his
essential Agrictultural science
textbook and started reading. He
slep around 2am the following
morning which was a sunday.
–to be continue–

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