Teenage Love - Episode 5

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“What are you doing with my
girlfriend?” he asked.
Segun pretended as if he didn’t
hear what he said. He looked
back as if he was helping him
search for his girlfriend.
In a blink of an eye a slap was
release atomically on segun’s
handsome face. Before Segun
could react, the guy had slapped
Olanike too.
“It’s over between us! The guy
“Emmanuel please, it’s not what
you think.” olanike explained
with a shaky voice.
She tried holding him but he
freed his hands and released
another slap on her face. Just
then Segun stood up and
retaliated with two hot slaps on
Emmanuel’s face. Causing him to
stagger backwards. Emmanuel
face segun with a burning eyes,
then he carried a chair with the
aim of hitting Segun with it but
Segun was fast enough to push
Olanike out of danger and
blocked the chair from hitting
him with his hands. He pushed
Emmanuel to the ground and
“You’re a disgrace for hitting
your girlfriend. Even if she is
cheating, there are better way
through which you can call her
back to order and not by
humilliating her in public.”
Emmanuel stood up angrily but
before he could take another
step, other candidates in the
examination hall had held him
and bundled him out
“I’ll catch you later, you fool and
as for you, Dam, don’t ever come
near me again. He ranted on and
on as he left the examination hall.
“Am very sorry about that.”
olanike said packing her books.
“No problem.” segun replied.
Segun sat down and thought
about the incidence that just
took place, he smiled. He was
suprised, he muster such
courage to face such an angry
guy. He opened his textbook and
continued reading.
Olanike on her own part was
seated on her seat head bent on
her locker holding back tears.
“So, i have finally lost Emma? But
is it a crime to be friends with
another guy? Does that mean am
cheating? Or maybe they both
have an unfinished business
before. What am i thinking? I met
this guy just last week. It’s not
possible we have started dating.
I’ll have to explain myself to
Emma.” she thought to herself.
Meanwhile jummy had been
watching the unfolding drama
since. She decided to talk to
“Hey! Good afternoon.” she said
immediately she got to segun’s
“Good afternoon.” segun replied
without looking up.
“What just went wrong between
you and your girlfriend?”
“You’re sick.” segun cursed
inwardly. “She’s not my
“So you guys aren’t dating and
you could defend her by taking
such risk?” She asked smilling.
“I don’t like when guys treat girls
bad.” He said.
“Anyways, i just came to say hi,
and to commend you for your
‘jack bauer’s’ action.
“Thanks.” he replied laughing.
She left for her seat while segun
continued reading. Just then
Emma entered the exam hall and
went straight to Segun’s seat. He
got there and handed him a
piece of paper.
–to be continued–

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