Teenage Love - Episode 6

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He unfolded the paper and read
the words scribbled on it.
“The battle line has been drawn. I
pray you don’t loose your life cos
you have gotten entangled in a
web of trouble.”
Segun sighed and stood up
facing the enraged Emmanuel.
Meanwhile Olanike had left her
seat for Segun’s seat.
Immediately she got there, she
collected the paper from Segun
and read what was written on it.
She looked at Emma with an
angry face.
“Emma! Why are you doing this?”
“Hey! You’d better stay out of
this.” he retorted.
“Segun please don’t do
anything.” she advised.
Segun tore the paper into pieces
and gave it back to emma before
walking angrily out of the hall.
Leaving Emma and Olanike
“What do you think you are
doing? She asked.
“What does it look like?” he
replied with another question.
“Leave the guy out of this. We
aren’t dating. We are just
“friends my foot. Continue being
friends with him, since he is
more important to you than me.”
He said.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“You can’t deny seeing my
messages on whatsapp
requesting to see you outside. He
“What message? I didn’t see
anything of such.” she said
bringing out her phone from her
“Oh my God! I don’t knw you
sent me a message. Infact my
phone is in silent mode.”
“Your phone is silent mode to
avoid disturbance right?”
“Yeah, but not disturbance from
“Save it for all i care.” he cut her
short and walked away angrily.
“Emma!” She called after him but
got no reply.
He met segun by the door and
blocked him from entering.
“Hey! Let me in. Segun warned.
“Do your worst.” emma dared
Segun held him by his collar
causing him to gag and leave the
way for him to enter.
Just then the invigillator entered
into the class. Paying no
attention to struggling boys.
“B------s. See how they are
fighting in public.” he said
The whole hall bursted into
“Only God knows what they are
fighting for.” he said.
“They are fighting because of a
girl.” a boy shouted from the
“You see. They were sent here to
write exam but they are chasing
girls.” he said and hissed.
Segun went back to his seat and
waited for the distribution of the
question and answer booklet.
–to be continued–

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