Teenage Love - Episode 8

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Segun got home around 5:30pm
and was surprised to find his
father in the sitting room.
“Good afternoon Dad.” he
greeted prostrating.
“Welcome boy.” his father
“How was your paper.” he asked.
“It was fine.” he said handling
the question paper his father.
He looked at it for some minutes
before giving it back to him.
“Best of luck.” he prayed.
“Amen.” he answered.
He made to leave the sitting
room but his father called him
“Segun. What happened to your
“Erhm. Nothing sir.” He replied.
“So you mean my eyes are
deceiving me.”
“No sir. It’s just that i hit my face
on the window frame of the bus
i boarded home.” he lied.
“Okay. Just make sure you take
care of yourself.” he advised.
He knew his father didn’t buy his
lie but he possibly can’t tell him
he fought a guy because he was
talking to the guy’s girlfriend. He
would be in trouble if he said so.
He entered him room, changed
his clothes and took a shower
before coming downstairs to eat
his lunch. Once he is through
with eating he went back to his
room to sleep. As he lay on the
bed his phone rang. He checked
the caller ‘unknown number’. He
picked it up.
“Hello” the caller said.
“Hello. Please who is this?” he
“It’s me jummy.” the caller
“What’s this girl’s problem.?” he
asked himself.
“Oh! It’s you.” he replied.
“Yeah.” she answered.
“How did you get my number?”
he asked.
“I collected it from Omolayo.” she
“Okay. So how are you doing?”
“Am fine. I just want to say ‘hi’
and to ask if you didn’t feel any
pain from that guy’s hits.”
“Not at all.” he answered.
“Thank God you’re okay.” she
“Thanks for your concern. Good
night.” he said and ended the
[“What’s wrong with me? Why
did i end the call when she was
the one that called.”] he thought
to himself and smiled.
“What’s this guy’s problem sef.
I’m showing him face, yet he
kept on proving hard. Who will
see a girl like me and say he
didn’t see an angel.” she thought
and hissed angrily.
–to be continued

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