Breaking: Scores dead as fresh explosion erupts


At least 99 people have died after a massive explosion when a fuel tanker collided with a lorry in Sierra Leone’s capital, Freetown.

Fuel spilled before igniting and the resulting inferno engulfed bystanders and vehicles at a busy junction.

Footage broadcast by local media outlets showed badly charred bodies in the streets surrounding the tanker.

President Julius Maada Bio said he was “deeply disturbed by the tragic fires and the horrendous loss of life”.

In a tweet, he said his government would do “everything to support the affected families”.

Freetown Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr decribed seeing “harrowing” photos.

Some 100 people are being treated in hospitals and health centres around Freetown.

The explosion is believed to have happened at a junction outside the busy Choithram Supermarket in the densely populated Wellington suburb in the east of the city at around 22:00 GMT on Friday.

One report said a bus was completely burnt, while nearby shops and market stalls were caught up in the flames.

Brima Bureh Sesay, the head of Sierra Leone’s National Disaster Management Agency, said there were many “burnt corpses”.

“It’s a terrible, terrible accident,” he told local media in a video shared from the scene.

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