Teenage Love - Episode 11

“Segun since the first day we met
i have developed a kind of
likeness or lemme say am fond of
you. There is this feeling i have
when i think about you. Segun i
think i love you.” she said.
“You said what?” he pretended.
“Segun don’t see me as someone
that is desperate. Its just that i
love you.” she said calmly.
“But i still don’t get you.” he said.
The line clicked at the other end
which means that she had ended
the call. Segun sighed and
dropped his phone the table to
eat his almost cold food.
After the evening devotion, Mr
Akinola bade every member of
his household a wonderful night
rest. Segun got into his room
logged into whatsapp to explain
everything that ensued between
him and Jummy to Mike.
Mike adviced him and told him to
accept her proposal but he
declined wich prompted mike to
tell him to suit himself.
Segun logged into his 2go
account and found Jummy
He greeted her but got no reply.
He got infuriated and logged out.
His phone rang a few minutes
later, he checked the caller and
was suprised to see Nike calling.
He picked at first ring.
“Hello.” she greeted.
“Hi.” he replied.
“How are you?” she inquired.
“Am fine o.” he replied.
“That’s good to hear.” she said.
“Hope you are preparing for your
next paper?” he asked.
“Yes o. Agric practical.” she said.
“Success is ours.” he prayed.
“Amen.” she responded.
“I just called to say hi.” she
“Okay, thanks for checking on
me.” he said.
“You are welcome.” she said.
“Good night.” he said.
“Yeah.” she replied and ended
the call.
Segum stood up and jubilated in
his room.
“Yeah, she is now becoming free
with me. I said it i posses this
charming look that attract girls.”
he said amidst laughter.

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