Teenage Love - Episode 12

Segun got to his examination
centre and was suprised to see
olanike seated at a confined
place under the stair case.
He heard a sound like someone
is crying, so he traced the
direction of the sound to under
the steps.
“Nike? What are you doing
here?” He asked.
Startled. “Oh! Segun its you.”
“What’s the matter.” he asked.
“Nothing.” she answered.
“Nothing! And you are crying.” he
“Oh! Am i? She asked.
“You know you can tell me what
the matter is.” he said calmly.
She dipped her hand into her
purse and brought out her
phone. She opened her message
inbox for him. He read.
“Meet me at loyola college we
need to talk.” 4rm Emma.
“So, what’s wrong with the
message?” segun asked.
“I got to this place at exactly 11
o’clock but was suprised when
Emma officially called it quits and
returned the phone i got for
“You mean you bought a phone
for him?” segun asked.
“No i lied to my dad that my
phone was stolen, so he gave me
the money for another one
which i gave to Emma.” she said.
“That’s silly.” segun said angrily.
“I helped him because he was
not financially okay. I did it out of
love.” She said as she tried to
hold back tears.
“So you duped your Dad because
of your boyfriend?” segun asked.
“I thought i was helping him.”
“But why would he return the
phone. He can continue using it
now.” segun said.
“He said i was trampling on his
emotions because i am richer
than him and i have been
assisting him financially, since
we’ve being dating.” she said
“That’s not an excuse.” segun
“I don’t even know what to do.”
she said.
“Try and beg him and talk him
out of breaking up with you.”
segun advised.
“I have done that, but he seems
to have made up his mind about
it.” she said.
“That means he has lost interest
in you a long time ago. He was
just looking for an avenue to
break up with you. Because i see
nothing wrong in you having
male friends.” segun explained.
She listened with rapt attention.
“Thanks” she said.
“Wash your face with water to
clear off any trace of tears.”
Segun adviced.
She collected a bottled water
from him and rinsed her face
with a face towel he offered her.
“Lets get out of here.” he said
leading the way.
“Okay.” she said and followed
–to be continued–

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